$15 ph for non medical research study in New York - Earn Part Time in New York from computer trials
- Salary Free P.A
If you wish to earn part time money from non medical or clinical studies then this is your chance to earn $15 per hour in New York. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY need volunteers for these studies.
PAID STUDY -— Must be 18 years or older:
Name of study: Behavioral study: two sessions
Purpose of study: This is a 2-day study to investigate how people respond to stimuli
Name of contact person:- Jennifer Lcnow
Name of supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth A. Phelps
Location ofstudy: rm. 890 (The Phelps Lab)
Must be at least 18 years of age; Must speak English as first language; Must
NOT be pregnant; Must NOT be currently taking any psychoactive medications;
Must NOT have any major medical disorders; Must NOT have any irregularities in
heart rate or blood pressure
Type of activities:
On each day, you will be asked to think about and respond to audio visual and
self-generated stimuli, complete questionnaires, and make a series of choices.
Approximate length of time: This is a 2-day study. Both days will last approximately
1 hour.
Remuneration: On completion of the second day of the experiment, you will be paid
$15 per hour spent, plus an additional bonus (based on your performance).
Contact Name-Jennifer Lenow
Email – jklcnow@nyu.edu
Department of Psychology
New York University
6 Washington Place
New York, NY 10003